Puzzle Puzzlix: Magritte 1.0.2
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to themarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and we hopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the Belgian surrealist artist - RenéMagritte. He became well known for a number of witty andthought-provoking images that fall under the umbrella ofsurrealism. His work is known for challenging observers'preconditioned perceptions of reality.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high quality withdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzlix Aivazovsky LITE 1.0.0
Attention! This is a demo version of the game"Puzzle Puzzlix: Aivazovsky"!Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to the market with ahexagonal structure of the playing area and we hope you enjoyit!This puzzle is dedicated to one the Armenian Romantic painter -Ivan Konstantinovich Aivazovsky. He is considered one of thegreatest marine artists in history!Demo puzzle includes 6 paintings in high quality.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 6 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Aivazovsky 1.0.3
Actually, Puzzlix is the best Puzzle Games tothe market with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehope you enjoy it!This issue is dedicated to Ivan Aivazovsky, world's bestseascape painter. The game includes 24 paintings in highquality.Explore the magical World of Art with the Puzzlix!___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency in colorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the device screen.** Please vote for the game if you like it, its very helpful forus. Thank you!___Game features:• 3 levels of difficulty,• 2 ways to move the blocks,• 3 versions of the background music,• 24 HD paintings,• Playing for time,• Support for a large number of devices.More Puzzle Games: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Millais 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to themarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and we hopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the English painter and illustratorwho was one of the founders of the Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood -John Everett Millais.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high quality withdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Hau 1.0.1
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to themarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and we hopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the master of architecturalvisualization - Edward Petrovich Hau. He is the author of majesticinteriors of the Winter Palace and the Hermitage!The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high quality withdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Velazquez 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to themarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and we hopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the Spanish painter who was theleading artist in the court of King Philip IV and one of the mostimportant painters of the Spanish Golden Age - Diego Rodriguez deSilva y Velázquez. He was an individualistic artist of thecontemporary Baroque period, important as a portrait artist.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high quality withdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzlix Rubens LITE 1.0.2
Attention! This is a lite version of the game"Puzzle Puzzlix: Rubens"!___Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to the market with ahexagonal structure of the playing area and we hope you enjoyit!This puzzle is dedicated to the great Flemish painter - PeterPaul Rubens. Rubens was a Flemish Baroque painter, and a proponentof an extravagant Baroque style that emphasised movement, colour,and sensuality. He is well known for his Counter-Reformationaltarpieces, portraits, landscapes, and history paintings ofmythological and allegorical subjects.The lite version includes 6 paintings in high quality.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 6 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com___Keywords: Peter Paul Rubens, puzzle, puzzles, puzzler, puzzel,Flemish, paintings, artist, painter, jigsaw, teaser, conundrum,brain, brainteaser, tickler, oil, canvas, 17th century
Puzzle Puzzlix: Beraud 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to themarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and we hopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the French painter, noted for hispaintings of Parisian life during the Belle Époque - JeanBéraud.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high quality withdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix Grimshaw 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to themarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and we hopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the Victorian-era artist, a"remarkable and imaginative painter" known for his citynight-scenes and landscapes - John Atkinson Grimshaw.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high quality withdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzlix D3 Media HD 1.2.5
We are happy to introduce one of the bestproduct in the World of Puzzles!Puzzlix Game Series is a hexagonal structure of the playing areareplacing the classic puzzle. D3 Media Puzzlix is a game that willhelp you spend quality time, rest from the daily routine andrelax.Doing puzzles promotes the development of imaginative andlogical thinking, attention and concentration!This release Puzzlix Game Series is dedicated to D3 MediaAnimation Company awesome artworks.Game features:• 2 ways to move the blocks;• 3 levels of difficulty;• 3 versions of the background music;• 36 HD worlds;• Playing for time;• Support for a large number of devices;• Multi-language menu.Puzzlix Game Series other collection: www.lergorion.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Goya 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to themarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and we hopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the Spanish romantic painter andprintmaker, the last of the Old Masters and the first of themoderns - Francisco Goya. Goya was court painter to the SpanishCrown; throughout the Peninsular War he remained in Madrid, wherehe painted the portrait of Joseph Bonaparte, pretender to theSpanish throne, and documented the war in the masterpiece ofstudied ambiguity known as the Desastres de la Guerra. Through hisworks he was both a commentator on and chronicler of his era. Thesubversive imaginative element in his art, as well as his boldhandling of paint, provided a model for the work of artists oflater generations, notably Manet, Picasso and Francis Bacon.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high quality withdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Monet 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to themarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and we hopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the great French Impressionistpainter - Oscar-Claude Monet. The term "Impressionism" is derivedfrom the title of his painting Impression, soleil levant(Impression, Sunrise), which was exhibited in 1874 in the first ofthe independent exhibitions mounted by Monet and his associates asan alternative to the Salon de Paris.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high quality withdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend quality time,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzles promotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking, attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind with thepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight" and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy and kids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smart puzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolor reproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, its veryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Guillaumin 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the French impressionist painterandlithographer - Jean-Baptiste Armand Guillaumin. Noted fortheirintense colours, Guillamin's paintings are represented inmajormuseums around the world. The puzzle includes 24 paintings inhighquality with descriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Gauguin 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the leading FrenchPost-Impressionistartist - Paul Gauguin, who was not wellappreciated until after hisdeath. Gauguin was later recognized forhis experimental use ofcolors and synthetist style that weredistinguishably different fromImpressionism. His work wasinfluential to the French avant-gardeand many modern artists, suchas Pablo Picasso and HenriMatisse.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Pissarro 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the great Danish-FrenchImpressionistand Neo-Impressionist painter - Jacob Abraham CamillePissarro. Thepuzzle includes 24 paintings in high quality withdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: El Greco 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the painter, sculptor andarchitectof the Spanish Renaissance - El Greco.El Greco's dramatic and expressionistic style was metwithpuzzlement by his contemporaries but found appreciation in the20thcentury. El Greco is regarded as a precursor of bothExpressionismand Cubism, while his personality and works were asource ofinspiration for poets and writers such as Rainer MariaRilke andNikos Kazantzakis. El Greco has been characterized bymodernscholars as an artist so individual that he belongs tonoconventional school. He is best known for tortuouslyelongatedfigures and often fantastic or phantasmagoricalpigmentation,marrying Byzantine traditions with those of Westernpainting.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Jan Brueghel I 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the great Flemish painter -JanBrueghel the Elder. The puzzle includes 24 paintingswithdescriptions in high quality.Explore the magical World of Art with the puzzle Puzzlix!___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty,• 3 versions of the puzzle background music,• 24 HD paintings!• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com___
Puzzle Puzzlix: Boucher 1.0.1
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___This puzzle is dedicated to the French painter in theRococostyle - Francois Boucher. Boucher is known for his idyllicandvoluptuous paintings on classical themes, decorativeallegories,and pastoral scenes. He was perhaps the most celebrateddecorativeartist of the 18th century. He also painted severalportraits ofhis patroness, Madame de Pompadour.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Fragonard 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the French painter andprintmakerwhose late Rococo manner was distinguished by remarkablefacility,exuberance, and hedonism - Jean-Honoré Fragonard.Fragonard one ofthe most prolific artists active in the lastdecades of the AncienRégime, Fragonard produced more than 550paintings (not countingdrawings and etchings), of which only fiveare dated. Among hismost popular works are genre paintingsconveying an atmosphere ofintimacy and veiled eroticism.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Watteau 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the French painter whose briefcareerspurred the revival of interest in colour and movement, inthetradition of Correggio and Rubens - Jean-Antoine Watteau.Herevitalized the waning Baroque style, and indeed moved it totheless severe, more naturalistic, less formally classicalRococo.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Titian 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the Italian painter, themostimportant member of the 16th-century Venetian school -Titian(Tiziano Vecelli). The puzzle includes 24 paintings in highqualitywith descriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Degas 1.0.2
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to one of the great mastersofImpressionism - Edgar Degas. Degas is especially identifiedwiththe subject of dance; more than half of his works depictdancers.He is regarded as one of the founders of Impressionism,although herejected the term, and preferred to be called arealist.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com___
Puzzle Puzzlix: Bouguereau 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the French academic painterandtraditionalist - William-Adolphe Bouguereau. In his realisticgenrepaintings he used mythological themes, makingmoderninterpretations of classical subjects, with an emphasis onthefemale human body.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Cezanne 1.0.1
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to Paul Cezanne. Cezanne was aFrenchartist and Post-Impressionist painter whose work laidthefoundations of the transition from the 19th-century conceptionofartistic endeavour to a new and radically different world of artinthe 20th century. Cezanne's often repetitive,exploratorybrushstrokes are highly characteristic and clearlyrecognizable. Heused planes of colour and small brushstrokes thatbuild up to formcomplex fields. The paintings convey Cezanne'sintense study of hissubjects.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com___Keywords: puzzle, puzzle game, jigsaw, teaser,conundrum,brainteaser, puzzler, riddle, Paul Cezanne, portrait,art, history,oil on canvas, french artist, painter,post-impressionism, jigsaw,hexagonal
Puzzle Puzzlix: Caillebotte 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the French painter -GustaveCaillebotte.Gustave Caillebotte was a member and patron of the groupofartists known as Impressionists, though he painted in a muchmorerealistic manner than many other artists in the group.Caillebottewas noted for his early interest in photography as anart form.The puzzle includes 24 paintings with descriptions inhighquality.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Rubens 1.0.1
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the great Flemish painter -PeterPaul Rubens. Rubens was a Flemish Baroque painter, and aproponentof an extravagant Baroque style that emphasised movement,colour,and sensuality. He is well known for hisCounter-Reformationaltarpieces, portraits, landscapes, and historypaintings ofmythological and allegorical subjects.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com___
Puzzle Puzzlix: Giotto 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the Italian painter andarchitectfrom Florence - Giotto di Bondone, known as Giotto. He isgenerallyconsidered the first in a line of great artists whocontributed tothe Italian Renaissance.Giotto's contemporary, the banker and chroniclerGiovanniVillani, wrote that Giotto was "the most sovereign masterofpainting in his time, who drew all his figures and theirposturesaccording to nature. And he was given a salary by theComune ofFlorence in virtue of his talent and excellence."The puzzle includes 24 paintings and frescoes in highqualitywith descriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Raphael 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the great Italian painterandarchitect of the High Renaissance - Raffaello Sanzio daUrbino,better known simply as Raphael. His work is admired for itsclarityof form and ease of composition and for its visualachievement ofthe Neoplatonic ideal of human grandeur. Togetherwith Michelangeloand Leonardo da Vinci, he forms the traditionaltrinity of greatmasters of that period.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com___
Puzzle Puzzlix: Manet 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the famous French painter -ÉdouardManet. He was one of the first 19th-century artists to paintmodernlife, and a pivotal figure in the transition from RealismtoImpressionism.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Ingres 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the French Neoclassical painter-Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres. Although he considered himself tobea painter of history in the tradition of Nicolas PoussinandJacques-Louis David, by the end of his life it wasIngres'sportraits, both painted and drawn, that were recognized ashisgreatest legacy.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Chranach I 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the German Renaissance painterandprintmaker - Lucas Cranach the Elder.He was court painter to the Electors of Saxony for most ofhiscareer, and is known for his portraits, both of German princesandthose of the leaders of the Protestant Reformation, whose causeheembraced with enthusiasm, becoming a close friend of MartinLuther.He also painted religious subjects, first in theCatholictradition, and later trying to find new ways of conveyingLutheranreligious concerns in art. He continued throughout hiscareer topaint nude subjects drawn from mythology and religion. Hehad alarge workshop and many works exist in different versions; hissonLucas Cranach the Younger, and others, continued to createversionsof his father's works for decades after his death.The puzzle includes 24 paintings with descriptions inhighquality.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Dyf 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the French impressionist painter-Marcel Dyf.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Kent 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the American painter,printmaker,illustrator, and writer - Rockwell Kent.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Botticelli 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the great Italian painter oftheEarly Renaissance - Sandro Botticelli. He belonged totheFlorentine School under the patronage of Lorenzo de' Medici,amovement that Giorgio Vasari would characterize less than ahundredyears later as a "golden age", a thought, suitably enough,heexpressed at the head of his Vita of Botticelli.Botticelli'sposthumous reputation suffered until the late 19thcentury; sincethen his work has been seen to represent the lineargrace of EarlyRenaissance painting.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Dongen 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the Dutch painter and one oftheFauves - Kees van Dongen. He gained a reputation for hissensuous,at times garish, portraits.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Renoir 1.0.1
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to one of the masters ofImpressionism,to the great painter - Pierre-Auguste Renoir. Renoirwas a Frenchartist who was a leading painter in the development oftheImpressionist style. As a celebrator of beauty, andespeciallyfeminine sensuality, it has been said that "Renoir is thefinalrepresentative of a tradition which runs directly from RubenstoWatteau.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com___
Puzzle Puzzlix: Rembrandt 1.0.1
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the most famous Flemish painter-Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn.He is generally considered one of the greatest paintersandprintmakers in European art and the most important inDutchhistory. His contributions to art came in a period of greatwealthand cultural achievement that historians call the DutchGolden Agewhen Dutch Golden Age painting, although in many waysantitheticalto the Baroque style that dominated Europe, wasextremely prolificand innovative.The puzzle includes 24 paintings with descriptions inhighquality.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com___
Puzzle Puzzlix: Dali 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the prominent SpanishCatalansurrealist painter - Salvador Dalí. Dalí was a skilleddraftsman,best known for the striking and bizarre images in hissurrealistwork. His painterly skills are often attributed to theinfluence ofRenaissance masters.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Sagrada Familia AR 3D 2.5
Sagrada Familia AR is an augmentedrealityapplication, which allows you to explore Antonio Gaudi'sfamousmasterpiece 'Sagrada Familia' in 3D.To activate the 3D view of the model:1) Print the marker image from www.tig.am/mark2) Launch the application and point your device's camera totheimage on the marker. 3D model of the building will appear.3) Move your device around, to view the building fromdifferentangles.Note: Alternatively, you can open marker image in your browser:www.tig.am/mark
Puzzle Puzzlix: Mucha 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the Czech Art Nouveau painteranddecorative artist, known best for his distinct style - AlfonsMariaMucha. He produced many paintings, illustrations,advertisements,postcards, and designs.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologize for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com
Puzzle Puzzlix: Roerich 1.0.0
Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game tothemarket with a hexagonal structure of the playing area and wehopeyou enjoy it!This puzzle is dedicated to the Russian painter,writer,archaeologist, theosophist, enlightener, philosopher, andpublicfigure - Nicholas Roerich (Nikolai Konstantinovich Rerikh).Roerichwas a dedicated activist for the cause of preserving artandarchitecture during times of war. He earned several nominationsforthe Nobel Peace Prize. The so-called Roerich Pact was signedintolaw by the United States and most nations of the Pan-AmericanUnionduring April 1935.The puzzle includes 24 paintings in high qualitywithdescriptions.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 24 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!___More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com___Keywords: fenugreek, lhasa, tibet, nepal, himalayas,ladakh,kashmir, nirvana, adept
Puzzlix Degas LITE 1.0.0
Attention! This is a LITE version of thegame"Puzzle Puzzlix: Degas"!___Puzzle Puzzlix is the best puzzle game to the market withahexagonal structure of the playing area and we hope youenjoyit!This puzzle is dedicated to one of the great mastersofImpressionism - Edgar Degas. Degas is especially identifiedwiththe subject of dance; more than half of his works depictdancers.He is regarded as one of the founders of Impressionism,although herejected the term, and preferred to be called arealist.Lite version includes 6 paintings in high quality.___Puzzle Puzzlix is a game that will help you spend qualitytime,rest from the daily routine and relax. As well as puzzlespromotesthe development of imagination and logical thinking,attention andconcentration!Explore the magical World of Art and train your mind withthepuzzles Puzzlix!___Game features:• 2 ways to move the puzzle blocks: "flight"and"teleport"!• 3 levels of puzzle difficulty: "easy" (for the lazy andkids),"normal" (for everyone), "hard" (for too smartpuzzlemaniacs).• 3 versions of the puzzle background music.• 6 HD paintings with descriptions.• Collect the puzzle for time!• Support for a large number of devices.___* We apologies for the possibility of some inconsistency incolorreproduction, it depends on the specifics of the devicescreen.** Please vote for the puzzle game if you like it, itsveryhelpful for us. Thank you very much!__More puzzles: www.puzzlix.com